John Kim

Jul 2, 20202 min

Patience, Piano & the Fall of Saul

1 Chronicles 10:14 “But he [Saul] did not inquire of the Lord; therefore He killed him, and turned the kingdom over to David.”

A few weeks ago, I had this idea that I should start playing the piano. I’ve tried to pick it up here and there, but always found it frustrating that I could never gain any sort of mastery. I was tempted to set up my keyboard and get practicing right away, but instead I decided to pray about it for a few days, and try to hear from God if He was really in this.

Over the course of the few days the idea popped into my head again repeatedly, but each time I reminded myself of my commitment to give this up to God. After a few days, He gave me the green light to get going, but urged me to see it as a tool of worship, rather than as an instrument to be practiced.

In 1 Chronicles, we see that Saul lacked patience in hearing from God. The Philistine forces, who far outnumbered his, laid ready to attack. Saul asked God what he should do. God didn’t answer. Rather than wait on God, Saul went to go and seek out a medium to try and get some answers. That eventually got him killed and lost his family an entire kingdom.

So many times in my life, I’ve gone to execute plans that I believe are from God, without really hearing from Him. God can speak through open doors, through the counsel of those around us, and through circumstances, but to rely on these in the absence of a direct word from Him is like going to a medium as Saul did. Assuming that God wants me to take this job, or move to that country, learn so and so instrument… just because the door is open is a really dangerous way to operate.

I’ve started to commit more things to prayer and try to hear directly from Him before moving forward. Right now I’m waiting to hear about selecting a tax advisor, and a script writing consultant for my vlog. I don’t have answers for those yet, but after hearing his ok on the piano, my fingers seemed to somehow supernaturally stick to the right keys over the last couple weeks. It’s opened up an entirely different way to experience worship, and God has really shown up in these moments.

I have a long way to go, and a lot more things I need to commit to Him, but today I feel God letting me know that he is pleased with me, and that there is so much more to come.

I love you Lord. Thank you for sending your son to the cross, so that I can have relationship with you, and so I can hear your voice. In Jesus’ most precious name, Amen.