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Writer's pictureJohn Kim

Father's Day & The Father's Love

Matthew 3:17 "This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased."

On Friday, my youngest son Nate came home from school and walked up to me. “Apa, I have a present for you. Happy Father’s Day.” He handed it to me, gave me a big hug and a kiss, and proceeded to explain that I was not allowed to open up the paper to get to the chocolate inside. He had clearly taken great effort in his creation, and he felt I must take it as seriously as he had. Now Nate is 3 years old, and I cherish his gift not because it is a Picasso, but because he is my son, full stop. It got me thinking about my relationship with my heavenly father. Often I’m so caught up with my performance attitude, taking such great effort in all my endeavors so I can give him my best. He loves that, but it’s not because my effort is so great or my present to him is so perfect. No matter how hard I try, whatever I give him falls incredibly short of his standard. The Father cherishes me and anything I do because I’m his son, full stop. It’s interesting that before Jesus performed any miracles before he healed anyone or preached even a single word, God the Father opened up the heavens and said “this is my son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased.” Lord, thank you for being pleased with me. Even before I did anything to earn your love, you loved me, just because I’m your son. I bless your name on this wonderful Father’s Day, and ask that you help me shed my performance mindset to come in line with your eternal and all-loving perspective. In your son’s name, Amen.

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