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Writer's pictureJohn Kim

I Will Show My Power

Jeremiah 16:21 “The Lord says, ‘Now I will show them my power; now I will show them my might. At last they will know and understand that I am the Lord.’” I had another inner healing session on Monday, and again Holy Spirit uncovered some crazy stuff that totally came out of left field. After the session the ministers asked me to spend some time praying before the next session. “The picture we got was that of a house, with some rooms that need a bit of tidying here and there. We thought it would be good to just ask God what those rooms might be.” This morning I asked, and I got a few memories of my youth when I felt very powerless. One involved verbal abuse, another physical, and another an encounter with a girl. I realized that the enemy has been sewing this narrative into my mind over the years that I lack power and because of this I had limitations on what I could do with my life. This morning I heard God say “well it’s true that you lack power. But you have died to self and I live in you. So the only limitation on what you can do, is the limitation on what I can do. And I have no limits. Come, let me show you.” Lord, I love getting freed from my limitations, but I love and need you more than any of my aspirations. You are a God of restoration and redemption. Thank you for that. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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