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Meaningless Elections

Ecclesiastes 1:2 “Meaningless! Meaningless!” says the Teacher. “Utterly meaningless! Everything is meaningless.” For most of my adult life, I’ve engaged in US presidential elections with great interest. On a number of issues that I care about deeply, today’s outcome will determine which one of two extremely different paths our future will hold. But to be honest, I don’t think I’ve ever been less politically interested on election day than I am today. Part of that has to do with the candidates themselves. Part of it has to do with an increasing disillusionment with the democratic process and the state of America. But mostly it has to do with the particulars of my family situation. Since my dad got sick, I’ve noticed the incredibly clarifying effect it has on how I spend my time and what I allow to occupy my headspace. If it doesn’t help me get closer to my Father in heaven, or help heal my father on earth, I’ve really gotta think twice. We had record turnout in the election today, and I believe having more people take part is a good thing. But creating space for God and realizing how everything else pales in comparison to Him is an even better thing. Lord, every set back is a set up for experiencing more of your favor. Despite seemingly difficult circumstances, I have so many reasons to thank you today. I declare that everything is meaningless compared to you. I just want more of your presence today. In your son’s name, Amen.

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