Matthew 19:26 “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” As a former trader, I’ve been trained to look at the world through probabilities. I’ve seen God accomplish impossible feats in my life and the lives of those around me, but since my dad was diagnosed with cancer I’ve had to be much more proactive in swapping my trader mindset for a God mindset. I know in my head that He can defeat all odds, but how much do I really believe it in my heart? I’ve continued to dig into Smith Wigglesworth’s “Every Increasing Faith” which has really helped me in that exercise the last few days. Through this man, God healed people with pretty much every condition you could imagine. Lame people walked, deaf people could hear, and several people were even raised from the dead including his wife Polly. Of course many, many people were also healed of cancer. Wigglesworth outlines his thinking as follows. “ There is nothing impossible with God. All the impossibility is with us when we measure God by the limitations of our unbelief.” Lord I believe. Help my unbelief. I know there is no limit to what you can do. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
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