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  • Writer's pictureJohn Kim

Post Podcast Reflection

Mark 12:31 “Love your neighbor as yourself.” Yesterday I made a guest appearance for a sustainability podcast produced by the Young Presidents Organization. We spent most of the show talking my vlog, The John Kim Show, and how I’ve used it to gain exposure for things I’m passionate about like the environment and my faith. The hosts asked some great questions, and one of the toughest was “Why is it important for you to spread your ideas? What is the aim? Are you really selfless?” I replied that my videos do help my portfolio companies gain exposure, and that helps us drive higher returns for our VC firm Amasia. But our companies are fighting climate change, so success for them means success for others. When you align your personal goals with a higher calling, there does not need to be a distinction between what benefits self and what benefits others. In fact, when you align yourself with God’s perspective, you love others as yourself. The distinction between "self" and "other" in many ways disappears. Lord, please help me love others as I love myself more and more. We are designed to be in communion with you and with our brothers and sisters here on earth. Thank you for making that possible with the ultimate example of true love. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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