Psalm 34:5 “Those who look to him for help will be radiant with joy; no shadow of shame will darken their faces.” A close founder friend of mine shared that he had been falling into feelings of depression for the last few weeks. “I wonder if it’s even possible to live a life that’s perfectly poised, and unaffected by such emotions” he wrote to me. My friend pointed to the many expressions of despair outlined in the Psalms as evidence to support his view. “There ARE many Psalms that express despair, but pretty much every one of them transitions into an expression of delight and praise by the end,” I replied. “Elsewhere in scripture, the apostles encountered incredible turmoil, but they found peace, love and joy in the midst of those trials. God has not resigned us to a life of despair. God has designed us for a life of delight. He will allow challenges, but he promises victory and peace in the midst of those.” This morning I read through Psalms 34 and came across this passage confirming God’s plan for us. I prayed it over my friend, who had already started coming out of his funk and breaking through the lies of the enemy. A life with God does not lead to depression. A life with God does not lead to even a shadow of shame. A life with God leads to radiant joy and delight. Lord, I come into alignment with the truth that you have only the best in store for me. You are all powerful, and you are a loving father. When you put those two things together, how can I not have faith that goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life? I love you. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
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