Psalm 138:2 “For your promises are backed by all the honor of your name.” (NLT) For the last few days I’ve been working on a video about the increasingly probable cold war between the United States and China, and its implications on the world financial system. In researching, I’ve been reminded that money is really a promise of worth. When you take a dollar or a yuan, you’re accepting the promise that you can use it somewhere else at a different time to acquire something of value. Both China and the US have plenty of issues that detract from trust, which is really what makes a promise worth something or not. The US has rising current account deficits and an increasingly brittle domestic savings situation. China’s increasingly contentious diplomatic behavior feeds fuel to the fire of doubt, especially for its neighbors. I believe all authority is appointed by God and that it is my duty to honor the Lord’s anointed. But I also believe that ultimately I lift my eyes up to the hills because that is where my help comes from. God’s promises for us are good. He is for us and not against us. He has hope and a future for us. And that is backed by something so much more powerful than the gold standard, than any government or any military. Lord thank you for your word, which is backed by all the honor of your almighty name. With it, we are emboldened to have great faith even in the midst of the most trying of trials. I love you. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
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