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  • Writer's pictureJohn Kim

1 Corinthians 6:19 “Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought with a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies.” Dr Ed Silvoso (a world-renowned evangelist who started with a successful career in the marketplace) once shared that he kept an extra chair in his office. Whenever he had a big decision or an important meeting, he would visualize Jesus sitting in the chair and have a chit chat with Him about the matter at hand. I’ve done the same and found it quite effective in being more aware of God’s presence in my business life. Well over the last couple weeks, my health has gone out the window and I feel like God is speaking to me this morning about that. While it’s true that God cares about our heart above all else, it is also true that when we transform on the inside we will see transformation on the outside. The body is also really important in the gospel message, because the whole story hinges on the fact that Jesus took bodily form. Our bodies matter, and God tells us to honor them in 1 Corinthians 6. I’ve never thought about whether Jesus would hit the gym if that existed in ancient Jerusalem. Would he be powerlifting, interval training or more a pilates kinda guy? I’ve also never thought about inviting him to join me for a jog, or to give me a spot while we lift some weights. But I’m excited to start tomorrow. When I say you are the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords, I mean that you reign over everything in my life and beyond. Father, I declare today that my body is not mine, but was bought with a price. I commit to sleep, eat and exercise in a way that honors you, and I’m really excited to have you along in the journey! I bless your mighty name. Amen.

  • Writer's pictureJohn Kim

Romans 8:6 “So letting your sinful nature control your mind leads to death.” When I was working in Korea, my colleagues and I once watched a documentary on Quakers during lunch. Apparently before they become adults, teens can go out and experience the world before deciding to continue on as Quakers or leave the faith. When one teen was asked what sorts of activities one partakes in during this time, he answered “well you know… get drunk, sleep around, do drugs… [pause]… get a haircut.” We thought it so funny that getting a haircut would go in the same category as these other activities. But this morning I committed the sin of getting a haircut! Specifically I had cleared time in the morning to hang out with God, but in my fleshly desire to look good for some filming I had later in the afternoon, I went to the salon instead. It forced me to change my lunch plans, which I then got minor food poisoning from. I was scrambling for the rest of the day and by the time I finally got home and got the kids to bed, I literally felt like I was going to die. Scripture says that when we let our sinful nature take over, it leads to death. There’s no 11th commandment in scripture stating “thou shalt not get a haircut” but it is clear that we are to prioritize Him and listen when he speaks. I did feel uneasy about heading to the salon today, and though it’s a relatively minor thing (I mean I didn’t kill anyone), I do feel like I need to repent. Lord, I’m sorry for not valuing you, for not creating the space to hear you clearly, and for not obeying your call. I submit my will to yours tonight, and give you thanks for your unending love. You are my first, second and third priority. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

  • Writer's pictureJohn Kim

Matthew 6:10 “Your kingdom come… on earth as it is in heaven.” Every Saturday we host a church small group at our place. This week our ice breaker was “what do you consider your greatest achievement?” When it got to my turn I responded. “Like many of you have pointed out, I guess our achievements are all God’s so it’s hard to say exactly. But I can tell you when I feel the best. It’s when I pray for someone and I see a manifestation of the Holy Spirit, usually with tears rolling down their face. That’s when I feel most alive, and most excited about what I’m doing.” At my venture firm Amasia, we have made millions of dollars for many different investors. Most of them are super appreciative of the work we do, but I’m pretty sure none of them have cried out of gratitude. This doesn’t mean that money’s not important, or that I’m in the wrong job. But it does mean that through my work, my relationships, and everything I do, my focus should be on bringing God’s presence on earth like it is in heaven. That’s when I’m most excited because that’s what God’s will is in my life (and probably most of our lives). Lord I pray that you continue to align my thoughts, my words and my actions to your will. There’s nothing I need except you. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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