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  • Writer's pictureJohn Kim

John 9:5 “I am the light of the world.” Last night I had my final inner healing session. My ministers wanted to spend some time on what God might want to say to me regarding my dad’s cancer diagnosis. So we prayed and I asked Holy Spirit what he wanted to show me. I closed my eyes and saw a floodlight like what you’d see on a film set, except that it was rotating around, emanating in all different directions. Then I also saw a microphone sort of bobbing up and down in its stand. My ministers guided me in asking God what they might represent. “I think the light represents Jesus… his love, his warmth and his presence. And God just wants me to know that he is at the center of this situation, emanating his light around to all of us. The microphone seems to be God’s spoken word, and I feel like God is going to speak to my dad in a way he’s never spoken to him before. He wants me to know that there’s a greater level of intimacy in store for him through this situation.” I sent this to my dad and he was very excited by it. Lord you are moving through this situation. We can already see it, but your favor is greater than we can even begin to understand. You are a good God, who has hope and a future in store for us. Thank you. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

  • Writer's pictureJohn Kim

Daniel 9:3 So I turned to the Lord God and pleaded with him in prayer and petition, in fasting, and in sackcloth and ashes.

Since I found out that my dad has cancer, I’ve worked hard to find reasons to be thankful. I’m thankful that my wife’s a doctor who cares so deeply for my parent’s welfare. I’m thankful that I have friends around the world who are praying for him. Today I’m especially thankful that God is using this time to draw me closer into His presence. In scripture we see figures from Jesus to Jonah to Daniel utilize fasting to humble themselves and turn towards God in desperation. Since coming to Solomon’s Porch about 6 years ago I’ve fasted more frequently. It creates an incredible atmosphere of intimacy. When I’m really hungry, and I channel that hunger towards God, He responds powerfully. Well, I noticed over the past week that in channeling that desperation for my dad’s healing to God, the intimacy has far surpassed what I experience in a typical fast. Of course, no one would ever wish sickness on anyone they care about, but what the enemy intends for evil, God always uses for good. Lord you have a plan. When circumstances fall, we have the privilege of keeping our faith high. I declare in the mighty name of Jesus that you are going to use this situation for good. Amen.

  • Writer's pictureJohn Kim

Proverbs 12:4 “A worthy wife is a crown for her husband.” When my wife sets her eyes on something, nothing will stand in her way. When I call a restaurant, if they’re full I’ll look for another venue. When she calls she’ll leave her name and call back every five minutes to check on cancellations. Her persistence has really shined in this whole process with my father. At each step of the way, when the Korean doctors wanted my dad to wait weeks for the next appointment, she pushed to bump it up. From Googling expat clinics, to nudging us, to calling friends (thanks Jina!) she’s shaved well over a month from this whole process. That can literally mean the difference between life or death in situations like this one. In my last conversation with my mom, she said “please thank Elaine for us! It really means a lot that she cares so much.” Dear Lord, I thank you for blessing me with a worthy wife. She is indeed a crown for me. I love her so much, and I love you so much for putting us together. In your son’s most precious name, Amen.

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