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Writer's picture: John KimJohn Kim

Jeremiah 23:24 “Do I not fill heaven and earth?” declares the Lord.

The other day the boys and I watched “Brother Sun, Sister Moon” as part of our daily devotional time. The film from 1972 outlines the life of St Francis of Assisi, who was born the son of a wealthy silk merchant but later renounced his great wealth to pursue a life dedicated to poverty in pursuing Jesus. In one dramatic scene, Francesco takes his expensive clothes off and gives them to a beggar in front of a crowd gathered in the town square. At this point my son Nate’s eyes widened…

“Apa! He is taking off his clothes!!!”

“Yes he is Nate Nate.”

“I can see his bum bum!” [Then with a giggle…] “He is not Saint Francis. He is Saint Bum Bum!”

(This might seem sacrilegious, but Nate is 5 so we cut him some slack.)

From now on I’m afraid that at the mention of his name, my mind will always revert to St Francis’ exhibitionist tendencies. But really the character trait that I find most exemplary from his life is the ability to see God in everyone and everything. St Francis experienced such intimacy with Jesus, that he loved everyone around him, rich or poor, near or far, as a literal extension of his own body. He loved his neighbor as himself. He did unto others as he would have them do unto him.

As I draw nearer to God, I find myself drawing lines between myself and others less, and seeing them as an extension of myself. I also see God in them. But St Francis took this to another level, not only seeing other people, but all of God’s creation as an extension of himself. He referred to the sun as Brother Sun, and to the moon as Sister Moon. When villagers ran terrified from a wolf who ate their young, he fed and spoke to the wolf who then reportedly stopped attacking the townspeople. On one journey with his disciples through the Spoleto Valley, St Francis saw a large flock of birds had gathered in some trees. He asked his troop to pause while he “went to preach to the birds for a little while.” The sermon was recorded by some of his followers.

"My sweet little sisters, birds of the sky," Francis said, "you are bound to heaven, to God, your Creator. In every beat of your wings and every note of your songs, praise him. He has given you the greatest of gifts, the freedom of the air. You neither sow, nor reap, yet God provides for you the most delicious food, rivers, and lakes to quench your thirst, mountains, and valleys for your home, tall trees to build your nests, and the most beautiful clothing: a change of feathers with every season. You and your kind were preserved in Noah's Ark. Clearly, our Creator loves you dearly, since he gives you gifts so abundantly. So please beware, my little sisters, of the sin of ingratitude, and always sing praise to God."

The monks recorded that these birds listened intently.

"While Francis said these words, all those birds began to open their beaks, and stretch out their necks, and spread their wings, and bend their heads reverently toward the earth, and with acts and songs, they showed that the holy father [Francis] gave them great pleasure."

Wow. My man preached to birds.

Lord, I often struggle to love people properly. What I would give to be so filled with the spirit that I could love all of your creation… to feel the communion and connectedness to you and your universe that you’ve designed us for. I love you. I invite you into every part of my life today. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Writer's picture: John KimJohn Kim

Isaiah 43:19 “Behold I am doing a new thing.”

In the 1800’s, 90% of people lived on farms. Convincing folks back then that most people today would work for this thing called a corporation, would have proved nearly impossible. Today about 1% of people live on farms, and almost everyone works for some sort of company. It’s hard for us to imagine anything else, but the future will inevitably look quite different from the world we live in today.

DAOs (decentralized autonomous organizations) and crypto networks have unlocked totally new models for how people can earn a living partaking in activities that are already core to their daily lives. While social networks like Facebook extract value from users who generate content, Bitclout actually pays its users to create (create to earn). While most video games monetize users with in-app purchases, whole villages stayed afloat in the midst of covid playing Axie Infinity (play to earn). And while Udemy and Skillshare charge subscriptions for users to learn, (now Coinbase Earn) actually pays its users to get an education (learn to earn).

In the future, I believe the overwhelming majority of people won’t be working for companies, but for DAOs and crypto networks. From “farm to earn” and then “work to earn”, we’re heading into an “x to earn” world where x is an activity that you’re already doing. These crypto networks can reward people for said activities because each additional user to a social network, multi-player game, or two sided learning platform adds value to that platform (this is called a network effect). Corporations don’t reward users for coming on board and adding this value. DAOs and crypto networks do.

I’ve been thinking about what this might mean for ministry. What if instead of paying a seminary to learn how to minister to folks, one could get paid by a DAO to learn how to minister to folks? What if instead of paying to go on a missions trip, a crypto network subsidized all costs and then some to bless the lost? What if the next model for ministry wasn’t play to earn, but pray to earn?

Pray To Earn?

I felt really uncomfortable about this when the idea first came to me. Jesus overturned the money changers’ tables and said “Is it not written, ‘my house will be called a house of prayer for all nations’? But you have made it a ‘den of robbers.’” The Catholic Church got in a pile of trouble for selling prayers to forgive sins (indulgences). Prayer should be about God, not about money!

But I felt a prompting to continue pursuing. I still haven’t figured it all out, but I felt God remind me that the most basic way to make disciples is to fulfil people’s needs. Missionaries provide medical supplies to sick people. They feed hungry people. They show God’s love first, and then if the opportunity presents itself they share the good news. And they learned that from Jesus himself. He healed the sick, fed to hungry, and in so doing many came to faith.

So if you went to a villager and said “hey download this app, someone’s going to say a blessing for you and your family, then you’ll get some tokens in your wallet that will help feed your family,” is that not in line with the heart of God? I’m not an expert on missions, but I have some portfolio companies operating in these parts of the world, and I feel it’s a pretty compelling value proposition that many would take up.

I pitched the idea to Elaine the other day and she asked some hard questions (as a good wife does!)

“How are you going to find the people to pray? Why would they come on the platform?”

“Well, I get a kick out of praying for strangers and I’d love to join something like this. I wouldn’t do it for money, but I know some amazing intercessors who absolutely would love to do it full time if they were freed from the constraints of earning a living.”

“But ministering should be a calling, not something so transactional.”

“Well pastors get paid so there’s a transaction. But I’m sure most every pastor has been called by God. I don’t think the presence of a transaction precludes the presence of God’s calling.”

“There are just so many ways this could go wrong. People could abuse the platform to earn money and mess things up spiritually. How do you make sure the intercessors are vetted?”

I didn’t really have an answer for this one so I mumbled something and walked away. But in my prayer time I felt God remind me that people had the same questions about Airbnb. “People are going to let complete strangers stay in their home for money? There are so many ways this could go wrong. How do you vet hosts and guests? They could be rapists… or worse!”

Well Airbnb figured it out, and I’m not sure I can figure it out. But if God is in this then he sure as heck can figure it out.

Lord, I can’t wait to see what you have in store. I have no idea if “pray to earn” is part of it, but I believe you’re using technology to catalyze a revival like the world has never known. I don’t know what the future holds, but I know it’s going to be good, because you are good. I submit my plans to yours, and thank you for your love. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Writer's picture: John KimJohn Kim

“And all that generation also were gathered to their fathers. And there arose another generation after them who did not know the Lord or the work that he had done for Israel.”

Judges 2:10

My friend Jason Lee from the Algorand Foundation recently invited me to this call he’s putting together on Friday for Christians in Crypto. We’ll be hearing a presentation from Mission DAO, the world’s first fully transparent and decentralized mission fund. I love how they’ve characterized their mission.

“To Advance the Kingdom of God (on Earth and in the Metaverse).”

I haven’t met the team yet, but after poking around on their site and whitepaper, I feel like this is a project I could really get behind. They will raise funds through the sale of scripture inspired NFTs, and use those funds to support missionaries sent to the nations, and also to the metaverse. The founder Broderick talks about how he hopes that when young people go into the metaverse, they’ll be able to find a safe space and experience the presence of God. If the church isn’t on top of this seismic shift, we could see a generation who forgets the work of the Lord and all he’s done, as we saw in Judges 2.

I know many of you are, like me, excited about how God is using crypto and blockchain to bring billions to experience a deeper revelation of his love. If you have the time, please join us on Friday.

Lord, you are the same yesterday and forever. But you’re also doing a crazy new thing. I’m so excited to see you raise up a generation to join in your work. Bless Mission DAO and watch over the team and all the participants on this call Friday. In Jesus’ name, Amen.


You are invited to a Christians in Crypto Zoom meeting.

When: Jan 21, 2022 09:00 AM Singapore

This is a group of believers who are working in cryptocurrency and blockchain companies, projects or investments. As this is the new frontier, we want to gather like-minded people to build relationship, contribute thought leadership as we participate in the redemption of this space for God’s glory.

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