Nehemiah 13:30 “So I purged out everything foreign.” In my last inner healing session, we spent some time clearing out ties that I had to an old era in my life when I was far from God. I felt Him tell me very clearly that I needed to get rid of some memorabilia that harkened back to that era, and all the associations I had with that era. I felt lighter and more free after following that directive. Today I felt the same call for my digital memorabilia, and again after deleting some old files I feel lighter and more free. We see over and over again in scripture that God is a jealous God, and people aligned with his heart take great care to position themselves without distraction to Him as a priority. Lord, I never thought these trinkets a big deal, but increasingly I understand that the physical world of what we tough, and the digital world of what we see, is only a small sliver of true reality. Please open my eyes more to the spiritual realm, and align my vision to your eternal perspective. I love you. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
John Kim