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Writer's pictureJohn Kim

Dreaming Big

Matthew 7:9 “Which of you, if your son asks for bread, will give him a stone? Or if he asks for a fish, will give him a snake? If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him!”

Elaine and I are taking an online leadership class offered by Danny Silk at Bethel Church. The other day I went through the module on dreams, which impacted me greatly. My key takeaways…

1. Dreaming affirms our identity: We are created in the image of the greatest dreamer, God himself. It is actually in our nature to dream.

2. Dreaming is our responsibility: In Matthew 7, Jesus tells us that we must ask, seek and knock. If we believe in a good father, we must dream big.

3. Dreaming furthers our security: Proverbs says that when hope is deferred your heart becomes sick. Dreaming is actually good for us.

Pastor Danny encouraged us to write down 100 dreams to activate what God has in store. I’m going to start on that today.

God, you’re so amazing to dream up the universe. I pray that I will come more into line with your heart as a dreamer because it’s what you desire for me. I love it when my son dreams big, and how much more so is that true of you when I commit the desires of my heart at your feet. Thank you for speaking, and please help me to be bold in writing out these 100 dreams in the days ahead. In your son’s name, Amen.

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