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Writer's pictureJohn Kim

Finstagram vs Rinstagram

Psalm 55:1 “Listen to my prayer, O God. Do not ignore my cry for help! Please listen and answer me, for I am overwhelmed by my troubles.” Last week I was listening to a talk by a tech investor named Balaji Srinivasan about identity on the metaverse (which can loosely be defined as the emerging shared virtual world). In virtual worlds people often operate from an alter ego, and sometimes multiple versions of an alter ego. Gamers rarely use their real names for instance. The concept of identity in virtual worlds looks very different than identity in the real world. But already young people in the real world are interacting in ways that portend our future. Balaji relayed the concept of Finstagram and Rinstagram as an example. Young people often have a fake Instagram account under a fake name, where they can act real. Then they’ll set up another account with their real name, but they act fake because their parents are watching. I consider myself a positive person, but today I’m just feeling a bit down. I just yelled at my kids. I’m stressed about their home based learning. Me and Elaine are both feeling side effects from our second vaccine. I have a very full day with no time to pack before an early flight tomorrow. I’m allowed to say that right? Sometimes I get too caught up on the fact that God wants to use me to bring positive vibes to people around me. That’s totally true, but sometimes you just gotta just be real. The last thing I’d want is for this forum to become my Rinstagram. Lord, I declare you are good. You have a hope and a future in store for me. Thank you that your power is made perfect in my weakness. I am overwhelmed by my troubles, but I know the battle has already been won. Thank you for your son. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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