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Writer's pictureJohn Kim

Greater Than Angels

Hebrews 1:6 “And when he brought his supreme Son into the world, God said ‘Let all of God’s angels worship him.’” One night at the dinner table I remember my mom telling me that I had this tendency to place too much importance on influential people. I was an ambitious 25 year old, hustling in the very hierarchical society that is Seoul, Korea. “Of course I need to focus on influential people!” I thought to myself. “How else will I achieve anything?” Her point was not that they are evil, but that pandering to powerful people can bring your focus away from the most powerful person. In today’s passage, the author quotes their own holy texts to explain to Hebrew Christians that Jesus stands supreme above even the angels they placed in such authority. Many of my mentors have been real messengers from God, just like the old testament angels. But I’ve found that God uses them most powerfully when I honor them within the context of the Son’s supremacy. I got to thinking about the angels in my life today. My new personal trainer has really opened my eyes to a new understanding of my body. My founders demonstrate a sacrificial intensity that points straight to heaven. My dad’s new doctors usher in a glimmer of hope when statistically there should be none. I honor and bless these angels today. But I do so knowing fully that the ultimate honor goes to the big guy upstairs. Lord, thank you for using your angels. Bless them and their families today. I thank you for the gift of relationship with these incredible messengers of your love. But I also pray that I maintain my focus not only on the gifts, but ultimately on the giver. In your son’s name, Amen.

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