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  • Writer's pictureJohn Kim

Haters Gonna Hate

Luke 6:32 “If you love those who love you, what credit is that to you? Even sinners love those who love them… But love your enemies and do good to them… Then your reward will be great, and you will be children of the most high... Be merciful, just as your Father is merciful.” Last night I was chatting with a friend who had a really hard day. He’s about to receive a promotion that he’s been working on proactively for the last 6 years, but two others who were passed over have been on a tear to tarnish his reputation. He reached out to one of them to try and reconcile, offering to buy a coffee and asking if there is anything he could do to make amends. Despite having no working experience with my friend, and no relationship or basis to make a judgment, the overtures were flatly refused. The more we humble ourselves, the more God raises us up. And the more God raises us up, the more we have a target on our backs. The enemy wants to take down those whom God will use powerfully for His Kingdom. Naturally, people around will get jealous. But rather than viewing these people as obstacles to be overcome, the bible says we are to treat them as opportunities to act like our Father. Anyone can love those who love them back, but loving haters uniquely expresses the love of God. It also happens to build up our treasure where it matters, in heaven. Lord, I often groan when people come against me, but if I truly have an eternal view I would laugh, pump my fist, and love on them. I pray that you will align my perspective to yours. You loved us when we didn’t love you back. Thank you for your sacrifice, and the gift of relationship. In your son’s name, Amen.

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