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Writer's pictureJohn Kim

The LA Homeless Opportunity

Job 31:16 “If I have denied the desires of the poor or let the eyes of the widow grow weary…”

When I make big decisions, I generally gather information, weigh the pros and cons, and then ask God which way he’d like me to go. I often find that his direction is in line with “what makes sense” given the circumstances. But it’s especially exhilarating when he leads in a direction that makes no sense at all. When it works out (and it always has), you have no choice but to look back and give credit to the big guy upstairs.

Well, Elaine and I have felt prompted to pray about spending more time in Los Angeles. That could mean spending a bit more time here on vacations, but we’ve also let our imaginations run wild looking at houses, schools, and business opportunities. It’s been really fun, but today I felt convicted about a big hole in my process.

Rising income inequality is not unique to the United States, but somehow the manifestations seem to be more visceral here than in places like Singapore. There have been multiple shootings in Beverly Hills over the last few months. The homeless litter idyllic beaches next to multi-million dollar mansions in Santa Monica. Most of my thinking around the homeless had more to do with their impact on real estate values than it did with concern for their well-being.

But today I’m reminded that godly men like Job, St Francis and Jesus himself cared for the underprivileged. They loved and blessed the poor, as if they were family. And if God leads us to spend more time in LA in any form, I feel convicted that my calculus must change on what I’m sent here to do.

Lord, thank you for opening my eyes. Great problems are great opportunities, and I look forward to seeing what you have in store for this city and this nation. In you we trust. Amen.

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