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  • Writer's pictureJohn Kim

A Great Wave

Acts 8:1 “A great wave of persecution began that day, sweeping over the church in Jerusalem.” For many years I prayed for North Korea on a daily basis. All four of my grandparents hail from the region, and about 20 years ago a pastor prayed a word over me that I would help that country. It’s been on my heart ever since. After much excitement a few years back with what seemed like a path to reconciliation, events have turned back towards, and perhaps even more hostile than the state of affairs before it all began. I must confess that I’ve been praying less for the DPRK in what seems like an increasingly hopeless situation. But today, as part of my exercise to write down 100 dreams, I felt God challenging me in this area, so I wrote two dreams down related to NK. Then as I shifted to the word, and prayed where I should turn for my daily bread, I felt God point me to Acts 8. After the death of Stephen, “a great wave of persecution began that day, sweeping over the church in Jerusalem.” But this massive setback became an incredible blessing as believers scattered through the region, performed miracles and preached the gospel, leading to an incredible expansion of the church. Today I feel God reminding me that my hope does not come from circumstances. What the enemy intends for evil, God always uses for good. Lord thanks for reinvigorating me with hope today. Things might seem hopeless in Korea, but you have a hope and a future in store. I pray that you bless NK with an overwhelming flood of your presence. I pray that you bless the leaders of NK to experience your love and power. Grant them wisdom to lead their people with wisdom and compassion. In your son’s name, Amen.

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